Hello! My name is Haiyan Zheng.
I am a Reader in Statistics at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, with an Honorary Appointment at The Institute of Cancer Research.
I lead a team to develop advanced statistical methods for precision medicine clinical trials. Relevant projects: STEEP, IDENT, SEER-NTA.
Areas of interest: Adaptive trial designs; Bayesian methods; Finite mixture distributions; Precision medicine.
11/2024 I am recruiting to fill up several PDRA and PhD posts. Click here to read more information & How to Apply.
10/2024 Congratulations to Lou Whitehead on successfully passing her PhD viva!
10/2024 I am pleased to accept the appointment of Reader in Statistics at the University of Bath. [web]
09/2024 I am excited to receive a TMRP Mental Health Mission Project Funding to broaden the scope of our reseach in precision medicine clinical trials.
08/2024 I am honoured to be awarded a 6-year CRUK Career Development Fellowship to establish a dedicated research group in Bath. The exciting programme will commence on 1st Sept 2024 to develop advanced statistical methods for precision oncology trials. [web]
05/2024 I am delighted to be appointed Theme Lead for Clinical Trials within the IMI, delivering on the commitment to develop efficient statistical methods and implement them in modern clinical trials.
03/2024 I will be organising a research dissemination workshop focused on biomarker-driven trial designs in Bath, 29 April - 01 May.
07/2023 I will be giving a seminar in designs of precision medicine at The Osaka Biostatistics Seminar Series in Osaka, Japan, 19 July.
06/2023 I will be giving a breakout session in precision medicine trials at the NIHR Statistics Group Conference in Sheffield, 23 June.
06/2023 I am invited to speak at The 2023 Nonclinical Biostatistics Conference at New Jersey, 19 June.
03/2023 I will be teaching a two-day short course in Bayesian Methods for Clinical Trials at Cambridge, 22 & 23 May.
02/2023 I am invited to give a seminar to the Royal Statistical Society North Eastern Local Group at Newcastle in September.
01/2023 I am invited to speak at the Educational Day of The European Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) Annual Congress 2023.
01/2023 I will be teaching a two-day short course in Precision Medicine Clinical Trials at Newcastle, 27 & 28 September.
01/2023 Congratulations to Luke Ouma, my first PhD student, on successfully passing his PhD viva!
Archived News.
Selected Grants
IDENT, a CRUK-funded research programme
[01 May 2021 - 30 Apr 2024]
IDEAS, an EU-funded research programme
[01 Oct 2015 - 30 Sep 2018]
Institutional Strategic Support Fund
[01 Jun 2019 - 30 Sep 2019]
Useful Links
PhD opportunity funded through SAMBa, URSA (scheme A) in Bath with me [web]
Competition funded TMRP PhD opportunities, Michaelmas (October) 2023 [project 1] [project 2]