Statistical Methods
Lv D, Grayling MJ, Zhang X, Zhao Q, Zheng H. (2023) A Bayesian approach to pilot-pivotal trials for bioequivalence assessment. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 23(1): 301. [paper] [code]
Jiménez JL, Zheng H. (2023) A Bayesian adaptive design for dual-agent phase I-II oncology trials integrating efficacy data across stages. Biometrical Journal, 65(7): 2200288. [paper] [code]
Zheng H, Jaki T, Wason JMS. (2023) Bayesian sample size determination using commensurate priors to leverage pre-experimental data. Biometrics (Biometric Methodology), 79(2): 669-683. [paper] [supplementary] [code]
Zheng H, Grayling MJ, Mozgunov P, Jaki T, Wason JMS. (2023) Bayesian sample size determination in basket trials borrowing information between subsets. Biostatistics, 24(4): 1000-1016. [paper] [supplementary] [code]
Zheng H, Wason JMS. (2022) Borrowing of information across patient subgroups in a basket trial based on distributional discrepancy. Biostatistics, 23(1): 120-135. [paper] [supplementary] [code]
Ouma LO, Grayling MJ, Wason JMS, Zheng H. (2022) Bayesian modelling strategies for borrowing of information in randomised basket trials. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C, 71(5): 2014-2037. [paper] [code]
Ouma LO, Grayling MJ, Zheng H, Wason JMS. (2021) Treatment allocation strategies for umbrella trials in the presence of multiple biomarkers: A comparison of methods. Pharmaceutical Statistics, 20(6): 990-1001. [paper] [code]
Zheng H, Hampson LV, Jaki T. (2021) Bridging across patient subgroups in phase I oncology trials that incorporate animal data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 30(4): 1057-1071. [paper] [supplementary] [code]
Zheng H, Hampson LV. (2020) A Bayesian decision-theoretic approach to incorporate preclinical information into phase I clinical trials. Biometrical Journal, 62(6): 1408-1427. [paper] [supplementary] [code]
Zheng H, Hampson LV, Wandel S. (2020) A robust Bayesian meta-analytic approach to incorporate animal data into phase I oncology trials. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 29(1): 94-110. [paper] [supplementary] [code]
Review & Clinical Applications
Yin Z, Mander AP, de Bono JS, Zheng H, Yap C. (2024) Handling incomplete or late-onset toxicities in early phase dose-finding clinical trials: current practice and future prospects. JCO Precision Oncology, 8(8): e2300441. [paper]
Villacampa G, Oatel D, Zheng H, McAleese J, Rekowski J, Solovyeva O, Yin Z, Yap C. (2023) Assessing the reporting quality of early phase dose-finding trial protocols: A methodological review. EClinicalMedicine, 60: 102020. [paper]
Jaki T, Burdon A, Chen X, Mozgunov P, Zheng H, Baird R. (2023) Early phase clinical trials in oncology: Realising the potential of seamless designs. European Journal of Cancer, 189: 112916. [paper]
Huang X, Zheng H, Novick S. (2023) Enhancing translational research success: The role of statistical innovation. The ASA Biopharmaceutical Report, 30(2), 44-49. [paper]
Ouma LO, Wason JMS, Zheng H, Wilson N, Grayling MJ. (2022) Design and analysis of umbrella trials: Where do we stand? Frontiers in Medicine, 9: 1037439. [paper]
Grayling MJ, Bigirumurame T, Cherlin S, Ouma LO, Zheng H, Wason JMS. (2021) Innovative trial approaches in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases: Current use and future potential. BMC Rheumatology, 5(1): 1-15. [paper]
Xie X, Lv D, Zheng H, Zhang X, Han F, Chen J. (2020) The associations of blood pressure parameters with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in peritoneal dialysis patients: A cohort study in China. Journal of Hypertension, 38(11): 2252-2260. [paper]
Luo M, Zheng H, Zhang Y, Feng Y, Li D, Li X, Han J, Li T. (2015) A nomogram for predicting the likelihood of Obstructive Sleep Apnea to reduce the unnecessary Polysomnography examinations. Chinese Medical Journal, 128(16): 2134–2140. [paper]
Tada S, Allen PF, Ikebe K, Zheng H, Shintani A, Maeda Y. (2015) The impact of the crown-root ratio on survival of abutment teeth for dentures. Journal of Dental Research, 94(9): 220-225. [paper]
Preprint & Submitted/Working Papers
Noor NM, Zheng H, Robertson DS, Savage J, Williamson SF, Yap C, Jorgensen AL, Waso JMS. (2024) Don't use the "failed" word: Interpreting result from biomarker-guided clinical trials. Under Review.
Whitehead LE, Wason JMS, Sailer O, Zheng H. (2024) Bayesian sample size determination using robust commensurate priors with interpretable discrepancy weights. Under Review. arXiv: 2401.10592.
Burdon A, Jaki T, Chen X, Mozgunov P, Zheng H, Baird R. (2024) Next generation clinical trials: Seamless designs and master protocols. Under Review. arXiv:2405.06353
Yin Z, Yap C, Zheng H. (2024) Using multi-state models to design phase II adaptive oncology trials with survival endpoints. In Progress.
Komaki M, Shinoda S, Zheng H, Yamamoto K. (2024) A Bayesian treatment selection design for phase II cancer clinical trials with a binary outcome. In Progress.
Urru S, Berchialla P, Zheng H. (2024) Using distance metric learning to augment clinical trials with historical control from observational studies. In Progress.
Zheng H, Jaki T, Robertson DS. (2024) Multiplicity adjustment in basket trials for simultaneous evaluation of several subpopulations. In Progress.
Ouma LO, Zheng H, Grayling MJ, Wason JMS. (2023) A two-stage Bayesian adaptive umbrella design borrowing information over the control data. In Progress.
Grayling MJ, Zheng H, Teare DM. (2022+) Planning a randomised trial from an external pilot: When can we gain from Bayesian-frequentist methods? In Progress.
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